Regardless matter how long it takes to achieve a goal, it must be completed. Focus on how to accomplish your goals rather than how long it will take to accomplish them.

You claim that I started with almost nothing, but that isn't true. We all start with nothing; it's how we use it that determines what we can achieve.

Kindness delegation is a successful pandemic.

Keep your word and be dependable. Be the type of person who people can rely on.

To live as free as a Monarch Butterfly in Spring is to love unreservedly.

You alone, to exercise if the notion inspires you and feels good and appropriate. So get started right away!

The only thing standing between you and anything you've ever desired is your willingness to put up the effort required to obtain it.

It's typically a case of worrying while sitting in front of the computer. Worrying that things aren't going to work out is what writing is all about.

Even a single day spent in misery is a huge loss because the day will never return. You've just wasted 24 hours of joy, happiness, and bliss. LIVE HAPPINESS EVERY DAY!

Whatever we like and appreciate now will come to an end one day; we will take our final breath. Now is the greatest moment to start creating our legacy, because that is what will be remembered about us.

Men aren't born to fail; they're born to achieve.

What has been done has been done. What's gone is gone for good. One of life's lessons is to never stop pushing forward. It's OK to reflect on how far you've come, but keep pushing forward.

People aren't being reached through the body of Christ; they're being left on a doorstep to feed and care for themselves, like newborn babies.

Get started. Continue ahead. Aim for the stars. Make preparations for takeoff. Don't just wait for someone to come along and push the plane down the runway. It's not going to happen. Change your mindset and acquire some elevation. You'll enjoy it up here, believe me.

When your qualifications, experience, and talents fail you. Allow your hope, prayer, and faith to sustain you.

It's critical to comprehend why you do the things you do. Your comprehension will motivate you to work harder and be more passionate about what you're doing, whereas a lack of understanding will cause you to question yourself and quit up.

Come to the cliff's brink. We may fall. Come to the cliff's brink. It's absurdly high! COME TO THE CUTTING EDGE! They arrived, he pushed, and they took off.

The more good thoughts you feed your mind, the more amazing things you may attract into your life.

Your writing has the power to heal, develop, and change your life. Give your words the power to transform you.

He spoke so confidently about the future that he could have been talking about the past.

It makes no difference where you've been or where you're going.

Failure teaches us more than achievement.

She shattered herself, her emotions, and her sanity in an attempt to heal a broken world.

When you live an honest life, you live a truthful life.