Our wounds are frequently portals into our finest and most beautiful selves.

I'm crying uncontrollably now, and I don't care whether he sees them. They're tears of joy for my nephew, concern for my grandfather and brother, and embarrassment at my blunder. I believe I have earned them.

If 99 percent of your work is perspiration, it stinks, and you need more inspiration.

You will discover that if you decide to have a nice day, you will be able to do so.

Optimists maintain a cheerful demeanor throughout their lives. What occurs on the inside has an impact on the exterior.

We all have problems, and we typically acquired them honestly.

Do the right thing, not what is convenient or popular.

"I write because I want to leave a mark in the sand of time," one author explained. Unless you are one of the giants, it is difficult to leave a footprint in the sands of history when giants travel over the same sands.

It's never too late; the preparations have already been made, the money has been paid, and the presents have been packed. Are you willing to adapt to new situations?

Your selfishness' honesty is measured by your conscience. Pay close attention to it.

Reading is similar to traveling in that it allows you to step away from your daily routine for a while and return with a refreshed, if not inspired, viewpoint.

Trust is made possible by character, and great leadership is made possible by the trust.

Nothing can be true if it cannot be lived in everyday life.

People who think and act like successful people are successful.

If they were bold enough, many people would be as fearful as I am.

Take Risks and Be Brave: You must believe in yourself. Take risks and be bold. To go forward, you don't need to have everything sorted out.

When we use our right to be honest, especially with ourselves, we find peace of mind.

Prosperity is the external manifestation of a positive inner idea.

Death is a regular occurrence.

Playing it safe may not have injured anyone, but it certainly wouldn't have inspired many.

It makes no difference how nice your shoes are if you don't do anything in them.

Discipline Your Mind to Think Positively: Train your mind to search for the positive in every scenario and to find the bright side of every situation.

Stop putting yourself in comparison to others. Always try to develop yourself so that you can serve people around you and the world better today than you were yesterday.


I don't have any results... I'm working on a difficult assignment!!

There will be times when things go wrong and you feel unhappy. Don't be concerned. You will quickly be grateful if you push yourself with positive enthusiasm.

I'm frequently asked how I came to be the way I am. And my response is usually the same: I've always been who I am. It only took a long time to discover me among the ruins.