Each moment should be regarded with suspicion since it is a robber who steals more than it brings.

To lay down the shield and pick up your life, you must first understand the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism. According to research, perfectionism is a hindrance to success. In reality, it's frequently a stepping stone to melancholy, anxiety, addiction, and liver stagnation.

Even accidental encounters are a product of karma; events in our lives are predetermined by our previous incarnations. That there is no such thing as coincidence, even in the tiniest of happenings.

Simplicity, patience, and compassion are all virtues. These three are your most valuable possessions. You reconnect to the root of being by being simple in your acts and ideas. You are patient with both friends and foes, and you accept the situation as it is. You reconcile all beings in the world by being compassionate to yourself.

It's lovely, infinite, and both full and empty at the same time. It causes us pain.

Never dislike something or someone if you wish to forget about it or them. Everything and everyone you despise is etched into your heart; if you want to let go, if you want to forget, you can't hate.

Your heart will not be broken by life. It'll be crushed.

Life is meant to be lived rather than controlled, and humanity is gained by persevering in the face of inevitable failure.

Your task is to keep the plastic spoon in the yogurt while life is half wonderful yogurt and half trash.

You were created by God and for God, and life will never make sense until you realize that.

Our lives are shaped by our thoughts.

It's strange how you can live somewhere your entire life without ever seeing it.

Oh, God of Rainbows and Dust,

Help us to understand that the rainbow would not exist without the dust.

I believe the only solution is to live life to the fullest while you still have the chance, and to accumulate memories as fools do money. Because, at the end of the day, pleasant memories are all you have.

Trying to put oneself back together piece by piece with no instruction book and no idea where all the critical parts are meant to go is difficult.

With recall, you couldn't delete everything that brought you grief. Every memory, even the negative ones, was priceless.

Love is eternal. It wouldn't be love if it wasn't. The world is a lovely place. It wouldn't be the world if it wasn't.

Life is the only perfect thing.

Sure, life wasn't always easy, but it wasn't a Hollywood film. That's what occurred. You battled, yelled, and worked your tail off to make it out alive on the other side.

Kindness is not a commercial venture. True kindness does not demand anything in return and should never be done based on conditions.

No matter who is in charge, one of the purposes of human life is to love whoever is available to be loved.

Be grateful for what you have; you will be blessed with more. You will never, ever have enough if you focus on what you don't have.

The beginning of an autobiography is a feeling of isolation. It's an orphaned type.